ReBeL Gripper Study

Codice art.: RBTX-IGUS-0231

  • Gripper in lightweight design, ideal for ReBeL
  • Control via DIO
  • Opening rate: 105 mm
  • Connection via ReBeL's 4th axis ToolDIOs

Tempo di consegna abituale: 3 settimane


2024-05-07 13 50 29-Asset Digest - igus GmbH DAM und 5 weitere Seiten - Geschäftlich Microsoft Ed-removebg-preview

The first gripper in ReBeL design!

With a gripping range of 100 mm, components of different sizes can be handled very easily with just one gripper. Ideal for the training sector.

  • Optimally suited for use on the ReBeL thanks to its lightweight construction

  • 5 times cheaper than conventional grippers thanks to igus motion plastics

  • Flexible gripping range thanks to parallel design

  • One gripper for many components

Soluzioni low cost realizzate con RBTX®


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