Robot 3 assi X-Y-Z - Motori passo-passo con encoder, spazio di lavoro 400x400x150 mm
Varianti: With cabinet control system
I robot a portale hanno più assi lineari combinati, così da implementare il movimento multidimensionale. igus fornisce robot a portale a 3 assi X-Y-Z, 2 assi X-Y orizzontale o 2 assi X-Z verticale, per svolgere una moltitudine di compiti diversi. I robot a portale igus includono moduli/assi lineari drylin cablati con motori passo-passo NEMA, oltre a tutti i componenti necessari per costruire il proprio robot. Esempi applicativi per robot a portale 3 assi X-Y-Z: misurazione e collaudo, tecnologia di manipolazione e assemblaggio, identificazione nella microelettronica e nella tecnologia medica, attività nella manipolazione di piccole parti e semplici attività di movimentazione.
Fit to your needs
Portal configurator
Customize the linear robot to your needs! Simply enter your desired dimensions. You can then download the CAD file and receive a summary by email.
Free Download
Download the software and test if on your computer
Download the software now for free. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the user interface and functions even before you buy the components. With the Digital Twin you get an overview of the possibilities of your robot. (System requirements: Windows 10 PC, free USB 2.0 port, Ethernet port, 500 MB free storage)
Typical application areas
Gantry robots are particularly suitable for pick & place applications in various areas. For example, in the laboratory, in manufacturing, for applications with adhesives or in vertical farming. They are compatible with various camera systems, grippers and accessories and can therefore also be used in bin-picking applications.
Optional handheld with touch screen
Choose the right setup for you.
You can control the robot either from your Windows 10 PC or from the optional handheld with touch screen. On the PC the robot can be programmed via a graphical user interface. With the handheld you can control the robot with a joystick and start programs via the touch screen. In addition, you can also connect a gamepad to your Windows PC for control as an alternative to the handheld. With this handheld, the robot runs autonomously without the computer after programming via the Windows PC.